What Happened?

by The Hidden Poet   Dec 18, 2008

I was Stressed,
Very Depressed.
Now I'm pissed,
cause I know I missed the perfect chance.
There is nothing left to do but to slit my wrist,
But First I would like you to have this list
with the names of everything that makes me happy.
On the list, only one name writen over and over again...
You left me with a shattered heart.
I wonder what drove us apart.
Sometimes I wish I could hit restart.
I tried my best,
who could've guessed,
that i was wasting my time.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Loveless Dreamer

    I loved this. it was perfect. had nice rhyming and such beautiful emotion. i felt much pain reading this. its going into my faves. great job!! 5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by CrossCut

    "You left me with a shattered heart.
    I wonder what drove us apart.
    Sometimes I wish I could hit restart."
    ^^My favorite three lines.

    Overall, I loved it. Nice flow, emotion, and meaning. Good job, 5/5