Talented. Diseased.

by Sarah Ann   Dec 18, 2008

I am infected. Tainted with this disease
All over my body, sick down to my knees
Where symptoms are not always readily seen
Drowning in propaganda, and I beg you, please
Stay away, for today it may reach my bones
Contaminated greatly, like down to my toes.
Consuming my mind and taking control
Penetrating extreme, deep into my soul.
The talent of lies, I've mastered this skill
I used you to wear it, to have it fulfilled
Electrifying rushes, a mortified thrill
The hands in my favor, I go for the kill.
Only keeping myself this sick in the head
Cause you're always running, but I am ahead
Never behind, where weakened hearts bled
This is the beginning. The forsaken end.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nee

    Hello Sarah..
    it's been ages since I last read something for you !
    I love this piece a lot, actually I haven't been reading any poems for a while but I'm glad I came to read this one.
    it's so full of darkness, I guess those who come back after a long absence become full of...Idk, darkness and sadness maybe, cause I've seen a lot of poets here like this, and same to me anyway.

    I loved the closure of the piece, the simplicity made it even much more stronger :)
    the title was catchy.
    Keep it up sweetness

    It's great having you back