Comments : To Any Rape Victims [[long]]

  • 16 years ago

    by Poetically Speaking

    Aww it's nice of you to put yourself out there like this and offer a hand! Thank you for the kind words, and you have an awesome talent with the rhyme schemes. This was a beautiful poem meant to help those in pain. Awesome job kiddo! Keep up the amazing writing!



  • 16 years ago

    by HvN

    Bravo Bravo...

    I'm so proud of you, this was an excellent poem and you've written it at the best time, before the holidays. =]


    i'm totally votin for it!

  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    This was really well written, it had it all, a meaningful message, nice flow and your wording was very good, and your rhyme scheme amazing. Youre a very skilled rhymer actually. This poem really hit me hard too, can really know what youre saying here too. Excellently awesomely amazing work. =] nothing less then a 5/5!!

  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    *to start off your title caught me and made my heart skip a beat...i was rapped more than once by two guys so it really captivated me*

    Don't give up hope, you can get better,
    The memories may not leave,
    But let them be your guide,
    Reminding you, keep your pride.
    ^^ this sounds like what my daddy told me. I know i can get better but i always am afraid that maybe im not supposed to or maybe not all the way better...this happened for a reason so if i got all better wasn't it just negated? I like the last line that is so important because so many girls that i know who were rapped just feel like hey my v card is gone so what does it matter i mine as well sleep with a lot of guys...thats not true! I love the opening : )

    You are stronger then you think,
    Don't let him get his wish,
    Don't let him stop you from living,
    But hunn, don't keep on reliving.
    ^^so much truth in your words! I have discovered how much power i really do have in this little body of mine :) my dad always says that you let him win when he can control your emotions i agree with you guys If we give in to what they wanted to do to us or how they wanted to effect us...thats not good. The last line sort of has a personal meaning to me sometimes its hard to not keep reliving i mean flashbacks happen to me all the time when im sleeping or even just smell his cologne...but i do WANT to stop reliving...

    It's in the past, and it may never leave,
    But choose the times to think about it,
    Don't let it live your life,
    Live, become someone's wife.
    ^^ i loved the transition in this stanza from the third line to forth it was like a work of art the way you had those words work together and flow I think you have some wise advice here i mean it is not good to live your life in fear The guy you marry will be able to hopefully help you cope and make you a stronger person to : )

    Don't stop trusting,
    Men aren't all bad,
    Just realize there aren't tons
    of terrible ones.
    ^^: ) love this ! i mean the reason i believe what you say here is again cause of my dad he is a living example that not all men are bad he is one of the gentlest most honorable men you will ever encounter! This is very true that there are SO MANY terrible ones and thats what will make you appreciate the right one even more : )

    Because...People like you,
    Those that have been through this torture
    You're the strongest of us all,
    You've been through so much and yet don't fall.
    ^^ i smiled at this : ) really big to lol that was very kind of you to write i think many girls that have been put through this tormenting anguish will cherish and take to heart what is written in this stanza the smallest amount of encouragement makes the biggest difference

    He was wrong, for what he did,
    It's not your fault, never will be.
    He has lost his right to be called a man,
    He needs to be in the Can.
    ^^ ah lol that was a great last line! a little humor in this type of poem was so appropriate because it helps lighten up a sad and hurt mood

    Speak up if you haven't already,
    You have the power to stop this,
    If he goes free, it won't just be you,
    There will be others, this is true.
    ^^ this is VERY true the guys who did it to me i learned have done it to over twenty other women but will never get charged because the girls are not speaking up and are afraid to testify...yes it is hard to do but by not doing so you are letting them win!

    So tell the police, speak your mind,
    The people who pity you don't matter,
    It's your life, no one, not even him,
    Can take that from you, don't let him win.
    ^^ phenomenal ending :) i loved the message in this poem honestly i mean it really helps to have someone there encouraging and trying to comfort those who are in pain or struggling to make up their mind

    : ) 5/5

  • Good work keep it up

  • 15 years ago

    by Save Meeh

    I can't speak up. and what's the point? he already won.

  • 15 years ago

    by My Name Is Mouse

    It was great.

    One word


    5/5 ox

  • 15 years ago

    by MERCY is never shown

    Ok it was the title that caught me i think because it was more of an address instead of a title and being a victim of rape i think it is amazing you would stand to give inspiration to others. the poem was well written and flowed well and i love the call to action

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Every wheat ferments, for good brew. Within every scar, healing dwells. Things go wrong, to turn good at last. Every deed, awaits recompense.

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Every wheat ferments, for good brew. Within every scar, healing dwells. Things go wrong, to turn good at last. Every deed, awaits recompense.

  • 12 years ago

    by Marvellous

    Every wheat ferments, for good brew. Within every scar, healing dwells. Things go wrong, to turn good at last. Every deed, awaits recompense.

  • 12 years ago

    by The Poet Behind The Poems

    This was such a nice gesture , I agree they have so much strength so much heart , you really made this a wonderful write

    Well penned indeed

  • 12 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    I love this poem. Everything you have said is very true. We experience this and even though it might have only happened once, or happened in the past, or even if it is still happening now, it affects us in more ways than anyopne else can ever begin to imagine. The after math of making sense of it and going through the motions of guilt and shame and why, these are so over whelming sometimes that people do often feel alone and hopeless.

    Your messages for the victims are very supporting and encouraging, things can and will get better and it won't always be this way if we just stay strong.

    Adding in about going to the police is good because although many and probably most victims won't do this because it is so horrific to go through and sometimes not worth the result, or for some women time has run out to report the crime, I am sure this little messgae will encourage those thinking about reporting. It will inspire them to keep going.

    I wish I could share these types of poems with all victims, I think it something that not many people feel brave enough to write about, not brave enough to read and sometimes too scared to comment or share. So I admire you for posting this and hope it reaches out to those who need to hear it.

    Good job.