Love Run Dry

by oddi tea   Dec 20, 2008

So there I was, sitting in the past
The happiness there did not last
But what ever lasts in this world
Love comes and goes so I am told

Why cant we ever leave things the same
And be happy just as the good in life came
I was happy once, with this one man
But as soon as things got hard, I ran

I hurt that boy's heart too deep
Nothing could repair the nights without sleep
I just lay there in bed and try to think
But then my heart begins to shrink

It was my fault, I had to admit
My heart, to him, was unfit
We were happy once upon a time
But my leaving was the worst crime

Nine long months we were tough
But it doesn't seem like enough
I wanted him for life, but now he is gone
And I see, what I did was wrong.

Why must he pay for my mistake?
Why must I share my lonesome heart ache?
Is it because I am a monster
That can never get better

I am sorry to those whose love will last
Or have loved in my past
I don't know why,
But my love has run dry


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  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    This is really well written and I cannot imagine why no one bothered to comment to it...
    Maybe it is because people just cannot believe a girl your age could already have run out of love!
    Someone recently told me we have to hit rock bottom before we realize we need to change...when you feel you cannot find happiness anymore then you might consider taking this advice as well;)


    5/5 Ingrid