This friendship...

by Aveena   Dec 21, 2008

When times are rough and there's no one around,
I turn to her with my big fat frown

She tells me "Things will be fine" but is she right?
I gotta believe her with a smile so bright.

We talk about anything, everything in fact
Since the beginning of school, till all her things were packed.

We said our last goodbye, before she took off in that plane.
I hung up the phone and wondered if everything would be the same.

She took time to call me home.
But most of the time I wasn't there to pick up

but as summer went by, I knew for sure,
this friendship is something definitely pure"

It's not worth a nickle, It's not worth a dime,
It's definitely worth keeping until the end of time.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Ravi

    Really written from Deep in Heart.
    Conveys feelings. Wonderful..

  • 16 years ago

    by perfectlyBROKEN

    Wow, i loved it..!! Its beautiful =)
    Thank you very much for your commnt, i really appreciate it xox

  • 16 years ago

    by Ravi

    I liked it as it matches my feelings too. U could express in nice words. Can u try in smaller stanza..

  • 16 years ago

    by Domino0792

    Incredible poem. Such emotion, hidden within each word. I really enjoyed this. Keep up the amazing writing.

    Great read. 5/5.


  • 16 years ago

    by xLeftxBehindx

    This is a really nice poem. The flow was really good and the rhyming was perfect!

    great work!!