Sat alone in silence..

by you will never forget me   Dec 21, 2008

I sat alone in silence waiting for an answer I knew would never come. I had wished for the best but wasn’t nearly aware of the worst. Listening to his breathing waiting for something..anything that might display a reaction.

Breaking his heart was an understatement at this point. I held my composure so sure of what I was doing. I could imagine the tears forming behind his light brown eyes that were filled with hope just moments ago. His thoughts of happiness being immediately engulfed in despair as he absorbed the newly acquired feelings I had just discovered. Was this really something I had to do?

I sat alone in silence praying for things to become clear once more. The only thing holding me back was the promise I made to myself of which I could not break, despite how easy it seemed.

I knew of the potential I possessed, but breaking his heart again was not an option I was willing to take. Silently screaming as he left me alone with nothing but my tormenting thoughts. Crying over memories that should certainly not be lingering in my thoughts like this.
I sat alone in silence quietly awaiting an answer this time dreading the words that would come out of his mouth. The tone of his voice seemed different, yet happy and as much as I wanted that, it made me go numb.

He talked of other girls and new times to come excited for the future, awaiting the day he would find his newly created dream girl. It was not so long ago that I shattered him to pieces and now I was only killing myself. I would now sit alone in silence for the lasting hours of my life to bare the cruel fate that I deserved, knowing I gave him up.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Nic

    Really cool poem