One Wish Came True

by CanUKissAwayMyPain   Dec 22, 2008

You have been with me from good time to bad times.
From the rain falls to the bright shine.
You hold me tight through the tornado.
You never let me go even when I let you go free.
You were always by my side.
I have always counted on you to pick me up when I fall.
You were the one that put me back together again.
You heal my scars with your gentle touch.
You took me from the world I didn't own anymore.
My world full of darkness , blood falling, dreams dying.
You were a friend from the very beginning.
A very true friend.
Jason you don't know how much I o you.
You have always had my back.
You have always made me smile.
You have always made me laugh with your stupid jokes.
Mi Jj I will always love.
Jason I wish as time goes on.
I'll love you like you have always love me with all your heart.
Your smiles so bright and beautiful.
Your hair so soft and wild. I just love it.
Your eyes brown and true.
Your words so sweet and always take me breath away.
You caress my face makes me smile.
Cause I can't believe I have someone like you with me.
I love you mi amigo.
One of my wishes came true when I met you.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Domino0792

    Incredible poem. Such emotion, hidden within each word. I really enjoyed this. Keep up the amazing writing.

    Great read. 5/5.


  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Very touching piece, I can see you guys are great together! I would work on your flow, it was a bit choppy in places, and in a few places you used Spanish, that confused me. I wouldn't mix the languages, just use all English. Otherwise than that, this was a good piece and dedication to Jason, you described things nicely. 4/5 from me, take care...

  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    That was very beautiful and heartfelt. I liked how you opened the poem with the first line you wrote. I could really picture how good Jason is with you in my mind. Great write. 5/5