Comments : This girl

  • 16 years ago

    by Ghost

    Speechless. For this is a great great poem. Behind the girl that you are, there is something deep, something hidden inside of you. Something that makes you different from who you are on the inside. Keep up the good work!
    I'll be reading....


  • 16 years ago

    by Julia L

    This is a very lovely poem. it seems its spoken through reality. and its nice to see poems like that. It gave an insite of other women of how they think, feel. and that is such a possitive feel to me. that alot of times when you think your alone. you really arent. just wonderful.


    true poet lives within you. amazing poem.

  • 16 years ago

    by xx

    Absolutely speechless. It was a joy to read! This is a very heartfelt poem. Absolutely awesome.