Hey! I'm Still Standing

by Lemon Squeezy   Dec 23, 2008

I stand trapped between two choices,
Hearing both their screaming voices,
One on the left, one on the right,
Between the two an endless fight.

Both seem right but one is wrong,
One seems weaker but both are strong,
My conscience is seared, by the choices at hand!
They tear at my mind both wanting command.

Daily battling decisions I make,
Not really knowing what path to take.
Daily I battle them all through the night,
The simple choices between wrong and right.

One thing is constant throughout the long battle,
One fact remains through this intense rattle,
Whenever I'm faced with issues unplanned,
One Thing I do, I continue to stand.

(c) 2008 Lemon Squeezy All Rights Reserved.


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  • 12 years ago

    by Victoria

    I always love reading other poems that I can really relate to!! ...excellent job!

  • 15 years ago

    by Good Enough

    Never give up. good poem. i like how your going to stand no matter what 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Mary

    Great poem.......i love the flow and the rhyme scheme. what i love the most is how i can relate to it. Two choices. Both seem right. But one is wrong. Great Job keep it up :D

  • 16 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    Not bad not bad

    Your Servant:
    D. Johnson.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    The decision to do the right or wrong thing is a constant battle for all of us, if we just admit it. Sometimes we make the wrong choices but the "One Thing I do, I continue to stand." Excellent write and it flows well.