Love...set to part...then meet again......

by Sampreeth   Dec 25, 2008

As every passing day unfolds,
with you a bond so strongly holds
It's laced with love,with trust replete...
it really does make me complete...

The need of the hour, requires that we,
though still together, at a distance be..
Our love is in its pristine prime....
Will our relationship stand the test of time??

We have agreed that we would part...
I agreed, though it, did hurt my heart
Every day this hurting truth, does greet,
the only solace...we would eventually meet.

But now as the day grows nearer still,
my resolve is wilting, so is my will
Uneasy thoughts cluster my mind,
unnerving questions I cant untwine....

I wish this ordeal does end soon,
you leave with sun shining....return when its moon
Is there no way our destiny could change???
Is there no way out..within our range ???

How I wish this phase could be phased out...
we would not face, this uneasy bout...
But still, my love, we shall come out trumps..
riding on the highs, not the lows..the dumps...

At the the tunnel end, with arms open wide...
when this period, we manage to tide
You shall find me, make no mistake...
Just trust me Love...for goodness sake !!!!


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  • 16 years ago

    by isabel

    Your poem is flawless... Absolutely wonderful... Yet I would suggest you would divide your lines in two... so the rhyme scheme becomes clearer...
    for example:
    instead of:

    As every passing day unfolds, with you a bond so strongly holds
    It's laced with love,with trust really does make me complete...

    you could write:

    As every passing day unfolds,
    With you a bond so strongly holds
    It's laced with love,with trust replete...
    It really does make me complete...

    It would be easier to read and you can see at first sight that you use the aabb rhyme scheme...

    other than that, it is great

    *keep up*