Comments : Unexplained Connection (collab)

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Blazing fire, forbidden vision
    Burning desire, deep sensation
    Hearts aligned, same direction
    Magical unexplained connection

    ^^ My favorite stanza, love is creeps up on you from behind and when you try to grasp it, it is gone.

    This poem reminds me of LJ's work a little..such smooth rhyming and excellent usage of words.
    I wish you both the best and hope you will have what you desire most:)

    Hugs for both,

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by kelleyana

    "One leap across a sparkling ocean
    Moved by sincere heart felt emotion
    Velvet words, spoken with passion
    Vivid images, object of fascination."

    This is my favorite stanza, all i can say WAW. You guys did a great job. I can feel the connection between you guys by reading this poem. Your words touches me so much, and your collabration are the best poems i came across so far. Very well done. I've not just read your words with my eyes but my heart. Very well done. 5/5, kel.

  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    "Traveling toward a sweet seduction
    Sailing blue waves void of caution
    Embracing thoughts, sweet temptation
    Eastern born, beautiful infatuation"
    That is so gorgeous sounding!

    "Curiosity, impulsive obsession
    Liquid molten, love's protection
    Meaning unveiled, no interpretation
    Crossing borders of secret rejection"
    This is so well written. It is very pretty and visual! Great collab!

  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    I think this was our best collaberation so far. The words just flowed together like magic and I keep reading it over and over. Taking out all of the filler words really changes the style and I think we did great!

  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    "One leap across a sparkling ocean"
    [One leap across sparkling oceans]
    - The change not only sounds better and flows better with the rest of the poem but also transforms the line from a simple (yet poetic) line to a line that seems more majestic. Almost as if it's not realistic but in a dream. And, I think the rest of the poem seems majestic in a way.

    "Curiosity, impulsive obsession
    Liquid molten, love's protection
    Meaning unveiled, no interpretation
    Crossing borders of secret rejection"
    ^^ Loved that stanza, it's written beautifully.

    This is a very good poem. I enjoy how you two worked together to create such a wonderful piece. It doesn't go off topic/flow at all from transitions of writers (where that would be, I've no clue). You work quite well together. I really liked how you used very little adjectives and words that aren't needed but instead replaced with commas and beautiful combinations of imagery. One thing I might mention is to watch out for too many commas. There are a few places that don't need them, yet have them. It doesn't mess up the flow or anything, there's not that many of them. But, I'd still keep an eye out for that from now on.

  • 16 years ago

    by heartbrokengrl

    It very good, bold, some places it sounded foced instead of flowing but over all it was very good.

  • 16 years ago

    by Inside the Liar

    I thought it was beautiful. I agree that this is your best collab yet. The words flowed together perfectly. You could feel...everything. And I agree that it kind of has an Aladdin/Jasmine feel to it. I was unsure of it at the beginning, but as I read more, I began to fall in love with it a little bit. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by iFallToPieces

    Wow, and excellent poem good work you two!!

    Blazing fire, forbidden vision
    Burning desire, deep sensation
    Hearts aligned, same direction
    Magical unexplained connection

    My favourite stanzam
    meaningful and well written.

    Great JOb

  • 16 years ago

    by jLegendc

    It's a good collab but it didn't rhyme in most parts and the flow was a bit off.... well i don't really care much about those things but the content of the poem.. this stanza is really good...
    "Blazing fire, forbidden vision
    Burning desire, deep sensation
    Hearts aligned, same direction
    Magical unexplained connection"
    it's full of immense emotions and passion!
    good poem =]