Comments : Broken Promises

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    There is so much emotion goin through this poem.The words that you chose really makes the poem stands out.Though it's a sad poem i think you have penned it down beautifully;)

  • 16 years ago

    by Heba

    Oh Wow.I can really feel your deep pain and sorrow,but we all meet in our life some people who are fake and big liers or cheaters and I had some troubles with those people too.But,Insha''Allah you will get over this because you are a strong faithful person.Insah'allah everything is going to be okay and there will be an
    enternal shinning sun in your life.Ya Rab.

    Well done.5\5...

  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    Wow. What a true poem.. im sure most people could relate to having a fake relationship.. a relationship built off lies.
    I really loved your opening stanza. It was so strong, like, dont worry, i dont actually love you, kinda thing.
    Your poem was very sad, but it was really well written. The flow was good too :]
    I really felt the emotions in this poem, which is really good.
    Definitely 5/5