Always Remember

by SiLeNtLy ScReAmInG   Jan 3, 2009

Always remember I love you,
It doesn't matter if you believe,
I'll love you unconditionally,
Long after you decide to leave.

I know it's not easy,
Everything you're going through,
I know eveything's different,
But always remember I'm here for you.

You deserve so much better,
Than the hand that you've been dealt,
Always remember you're important,
No matter how different it is from what you've felt.

We both know you'll be gone soon,
To a place where I can't follow yet,
Always remember I'll miss you,
And I'm thankful for the fact we met.

Always remember you make me happy,
But I'd give that all up to see you smile,
It wouldn't have to last forever,
If only you could be happy for a little while.

No matter how bruised and broken,
Despite anything you could've done ,
Always remember I won't ever leave you,
You'll always be my light and my sun.

I should never have to hear sorry again from you,
Because when it applies to me you shouldn't be,
I choose to take you as you are with faults included,
So always remember there's no part of you that could hurt me.

I don't always understand,
And I usually want to know why,
but always remember in the end it doesn't matter,
All I've ever wanted was for you to try.

Always remember and never forget,
If ever you need me don't hesitate,
I'm here to listen, to give hugs, and what I can,
For you I'll always be willing to wait.

[This was actually written about a year ago, I decided to post it now so the person I wrote it for could always find it. Things have changed so much since I wrote it I wasn't sure how to categorize it..but I think the category love and friendship is suitable]


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    This was a very sweet poem. I think some people need to be reminded of their worth and importance to you. Friendship is a wonderful thing and I'm glad you and this person are so close. I know I would be lost without my friends. Very loving piece and full of happiness. Nice work Nik :)

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    This brought a tear to my eye as I've felt this way about many people and they usually let me down. WOW.
    I liked the stanza
    "You deserve so much better,
    Than the hand that you've been dealt,
    Always remember you're important,
    No matter how different it is from what you've felt" and the last line "For you I'll always be willing to wait." Sums up the poem in just that line, 5/5. Em xx

  • 15 years ago

    by abullettotheheart

    I bet all your poems are for one boy.
    it's funny they lack to see who really care about them. i don't maybe I'm wrong but it sounds like your hearts broken.

  • 15 years ago

    by silvertung69

    Sorry. the poems called dawns of change.

  • 15 years ago

    by silvertung69

    I dig your poems. I can relate with much of the pain but i was mostly the one who was causing it.I posted one a while back that you might like.
    Keep writing your soul speeks the truth.

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