Social Graces

by Michael D Nalley   Jan 3, 2009

..........Do the social graces
........See the starving faces
...........Or eloquently turn
............While they burn

..........Those trained to kill
.............Have social skill
.............While the forlorn
.............Await their scorn

............They did crucify
,,,,,,,,,,,,A social butterfly
...........But He rose on high
............Never more to die

............What a social grace
..........That He took our place
.........Tortured for all sinners
........So losers could be winners


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  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    "but he rose on high"
    [But he's risen on high]
    - Not much of a syllable difference and sounds better (to me, at least).

    Let me say, I adore this poem. I usually end up not liking poems or telling people that they're okay poems with overall good meaning and such. But, In all honesty your poetry is poetry that I absolutely adore. I've come across a few that I wasn't too fond of - but majority of them are just amazingly written. Such as this one.

  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    ..........Do the social graces
    ........See the starving faces
    ...........Or eloquently turn
    ............While they burn
    ^^ ah this is so relavent to todays heartless world honestly i mean people are so selfish and choose not to help others out? what if you were in their position? would you want people to be that cruel...? i love the point you draw up here it is so true! great clincher

    ..........Those trained to kill
    .............Have social skill
    .............While the forlorn
    .............Await their scorn
    ^^interesting word choice : ) it was nice to read i was intrigued by the concepts here People who get away with murder do posses some type of skill i dont think i have ever viewed it in that type of light You make the reader look and think about things differently !

    ............They did crucify
    ,,,,,,,,,,,,A social butterfly
    ...........But He rose on high
    ............Never more to die
    ^^ ah i love this stanza : ) it pertains to my religion and i hold my religion close to me so i find this stanza just amazing! you are right we do die physically but eternally with Jesus we will NEVER perish

    ............What a social grace
    ..........That He took our place
    .........Tortured for all sinners
    ........So losers could be winners
    ^^ a very sutle way to put it at the end i enjoyed that you could have used some fancy worded line for the closing but i think it was effective to just state it black and white simply it made more of an impact because i was expecting that complex response

    great job with this piece! 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by heartbrokengrl

    It seemed a little forced. but don't trust me i havent been writing long enough to critique well

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