Looking, Looking

by oddi tea   Jan 3, 2009

Dancing through the pain
And all the love
Through every kiss
And every shove

Dancing through the dark
And all the light
With every hug
My heart's delight

You are my life, that you know
But in your arms I wish to stay
And my love i wish i can show
With my special little way

And if you can see with every touch
That my love was great , so much
And even are going be away from me
I wish that one day you can see

That my real love was not in words you hear
But it was in my courage to be with you not fear
And the real meaning in my every kiss
Is something i know you will always miss

You can look for a new love or a new girl
You are only getting gold in exchange of a pearl
You can never know the worth of what you had
till you loose it , you will miss it bad .

Collaboration with Loverboy


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  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    You don't know what you had until you loose it, yes indeed.
    Nice collab between you and sweet CJ:)
    I couldn't tell who wrote what although I did recognize some of CJ's signature in this:)
    Great poem, loved it!


    5/5 Ingrid