I'm scared yet excited about all the possibilities,
I feel like crying when i leave that exam room,
I'm convinced Ive just f**ked up all my chances of getting anywhere,
Every year i put myself through this,
Yet i still want to go back for more.
Ive been into an exam at least a 100 times,
That nervousness still remains,
But the boredom still sets in half way through,
Even though i will my self on,
I just cant do it-even when i think of all the things i could miss out.
First primary school,
Then onto the hard exams- GCSE's,
I'm just mad I went on for more,
The impossible A-levels,
Now what do i want to do next?
F**king university.
I'm so scared of letting people down,
I'm ashamed of myself,
I'm constantly confused and worried.
When will i stop doing it to myself?