To All Those Twilight Fanatic Girls Out There:*

by x3 TinyDancer3000 x3   Jan 5, 2009

Oh Edward can't you see that
We need you oh so desperately.

We don't care that
You're a fictional character

The only thing that can
Love you forever is a vampire.

The way you sparkle
In the sunlight
Is like watching a million stars
Twinkle like diamonds
In the dark velvet sky.

So breathtaking and gorgeous.

Your golden honey set eyes
Your soft tender lips cold as ice
Turning into that famous crooked smile
Makes us all go wild.

The way you're so caring and protective
Over your precious lamb
The way your voice is so gentle and subtle
Makes us want to be
Your one true love.

Every time we fantasize
Of your cold, hard, marble-like flesh
Against ours holding us
Oh so ever tight,
More and more we desire
For that one special bite.

Forever is what you promised
And forever it shall be
We will find a way to immortality.


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by xXDarknessQueenXx

    Too bad that there's only one perfect Edward Masen-Cullen out there...

  • 16 years ago

    by Armada the Gestalt

    This poem drips sarcasm. Is it? I hope so.

  • 16 years ago

    by FranFran

    Haha i love it.
    especially the end ;]

  • 16 years ago

    by Paula

    I love this im obessed with twilight...i imagine edward cullen looking somthing like pete wentz<3....great job!!

  • 16 years ago

    by xToBeWithYoux

    I love this! I don't normally leave short comments, but just like Edward ;) this is perfect! It so describes me haha. Keep it up!

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