To the one

by cvgorilla boy   Jan 6, 2009

To the one who makes me smile and relieves my stress.
the one who guides me trough life and trough it test ,
your the one who brings out the sun and clears up the rain.
the one i can be real with and express my pain ,
the one i can count on to stay by my side and never change.

to the one who helps ,e grow and become a man,
the one who know and understands.
your the best i just needed to make it clear,
i love you baby cause you're alway been there.


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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by XxLastHopexX

    This is sweet....nice job...

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    A truly sweet dedication to your "one."
    Keep writing, 5/5. Em

  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Nice work, work on the flow and you will have yourself a perfect poem hun. keep it up. Shanik

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