Comments : My first love

  • 16 years ago

    by Frederick Mayer

    Some may "argue" about the structural presentation here and that of a "poem", however, I know this is a far better piece than just a mere "4" rating! As to structure etc., many have overlooked/never knew about the "organic" nature of a true poem...and, some may criticize such an approach as mere lazy behavior on the poets' part (heard it all before LOL)...just tell them read the literary non-fiction of famous American writer/philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson and the "Transcendental movement" of the 1800's!

    This work may not be originality in presentation/content, however, its strikingingly impressive because it lives, its organic, poet-poem-encounterer, andmost important of all, it makes the receiver feel that the poet is talking to the reader as a "Friend", not some voyuer pair of eyes within the safety of the "dark".