You have always owned my heart

by Meme   Jan 6, 2009

Am keeping these burdens inside
I will keep them until that day
When you will be by my side
Cause only you can take them away

So where are you now
When I need you the most
I stopped breathing somehow
And my heart is forever lost

Well now I surrender my soul
And I will give up if you may
Cause finding you was my goal
Since the day you went away

And now am living with strangers
I feel scared all the time
And what if I am in danger
Whose there for me this time

How will I find you again
And if I did will you remember
That you once cured my pain
And taught me to never surrender

You protected me before
And promised me one thing
You said don't worry anymore
So you gave me a promise ring

You whispered in my ears
"I will be there in every step"
But that did not stop my tears
It only started my loneliness trip

Maybe we were never meant to be
And maybe its meant for us to be apart
But you would know if you believed in me
That you have always owned my heart

© Copyright 2009 by: gIrL


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  • 13 years ago

    by LoVerSLaND


  • 16 years ago

    by Prasad Baadkar

    Wow really a wonderful write, keep it up dear friend..

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    Like you said , you are amaizing in your own way ...

    jsut a few remarqs on teh structure and rhyming they are excelent no wonder it was on your featured list ,

    i find when someone is feelign extreem happiness or extreem sadnes , he express the msot good , the words jsut fit in there places ,.,

    abotu the poem , i jsut can not say i can relate , but i can say i can live in your shoe exactly .. the promiss , the disapointment ,.. the hurt everrlasting that always , make us afriad of others..

    it is the least i can say about this pieace ,,,... 5 --