Comments : You have always owned my heart

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    Like you said , you are amaizing in your own way ...

    jsut a few remarqs on teh structure and rhyming they are excelent no wonder it was on your featured list ,

    i find when someone is feelign extreem happiness or extreem sadnes , he express the msot good , the words jsut fit in there places ,.,

    abotu the poem , i jsut can not say i can relate , but i can say i can live in your shoe exactly .. the promiss , the disapointment ,.. the hurt everrlasting that always , make us afriad of others..

    it is the least i can say about this pieace ,,,... 5 --

  • 16 years ago

    by Prasad Baadkar

    Wow really a wonderful write, keep it up dear friend..

  • 13 years ago

    by LoVerSLaND
