I'd Do It All Over Again

by Rickilee   Jan 7, 2009

After four long months,
And everything we've been through,
It's time for me to move on
And finally say goodbye to you.

I had high hopes for us
But they all came crashing down.
In my mind is where you are stuck
Cause my heart has already hit the ground.

It's in the rain where I see your eyes
But they quickly disappear.
The distance in them makes me realize
That your heart is nowhere near.

I need to start leaving you in the past
And stop thinking about what could have been..
But the worst part about all of this is
I'd happily do it all over again.


(c) January 6th, 2009


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  • 16 years ago

    by Ciara

    I no, how hard it is to let go but no matter what they do, you will do it all over again xx

  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    Wow very well said. I think alot of peopl ehwo have been through relationship would agree and relate to this. And so do i. Nice work. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Silently He walks

    This poem really reminded me of the position I'm in right now. I was dumped and am forced to move on but just really can't because I still have feelings for her. What makes it worse is she wont even talk to me. Although I know its time I do move on I really wish I could relive all the times we were happy. I think you did a fabulous job on this and to be quite honest I'm happy to see someone can relate and portray my situation a little better than I can 5/5