Comments : I'd Do It All Over Again

  • 16 years ago

    by Silently He walks

    This poem really reminded me of the position I'm in right now. I was dumped and am forced to move on but just really can't because I still have feelings for her. What makes it worse is she wont even talk to me. Although I know its time I do move on I really wish I could relive all the times we were happy. I think you did a fabulous job on this and to be quite honest I'm happy to see someone can relate and portray my situation a little better than I can 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    Wow very well said. I think alot of peopl ehwo have been through relationship would agree and relate to this. And so do i. Nice work. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Ciara

    I no, how hard it is to let go but no matter what they do, you will do it all over again xx