Nothing much

by craig   Jan 7, 2009

Times endless gage, quells and retracts
mortals we are, able only too subtract,
harm done, weary and scarred from past.
were done with whats before but its not done with us.

seeking immortality through endless last breath.
push on, lets break out.
you cant keep me here.
i don't life forever.

travel on regarding, caring, enraging.
suffer in silence, suffer silence,
eat, obtain, grab greed and fall in the rain.
green eyed monster, tramples all who fear
thats OK, we can all consume beer

run run, grab your gun, shoot the eagle.
discard the nun, disgraced vicar
drinking licker, and feeling the need for youth full bum.
kneel too Jesus, praise the lord,
kill Buddha with your lonesome sword!


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