It's always tomorrow

by Paiger   Jan 7, 2009

Waiting for love that is already found
I try to keep it inside, tightly bound
waiting until we have decided it's OK
but it will be a long wait, can I last all those days?

Once you have a gift like this
you want to share it, let your heart lift
but I must stay grounded, locked inside
I'm sorry my love, but I just can't hide

So I will try to disguise it, this new found glow
make sure our secret, I do not blow
I see now I can fool my heart
I will make it happy, but just in part

I will make everyday feel like I can love you tomorrow
pretend there is no wait

* This poem comes with a story that isn't really about the meaning of the poem, but more of how much it means to me. I wrote this poem in science class, while thinking of my Love, whom is 3 years older. We have decided it would be best if we were just friends until I graduate, then we Will both be ready to give it the best shot we can. So as I said I wrote this one day in science class and as always I folded it up into a small square. I also folded up a little scrap of paper that I had tried to write on but the poem hadn't worked out, so I folded it too and put it in the other pocket. So I puled a piece of paper from my pocket, ripped it up, and threw it in the recycle bin. When I got to my next class I went to pull out the poem, and found the scrap piece of paper, I had ripped and thrown out the poem instead. So I seriously went back to the class and pulled all the little pieces out of the recycle bin and sat it CDE taping it back together. I know its not the best but it really helped me to deal with a lot of emotions. Now I am really at piece with our decision to wait. <3


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  • 16 years ago

    by iFallToPieces

    Aww this was a cute poem, very well written but a bit hard to follow, left me a bit confused, but it was a great love poem
    great job keep it up

  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    Im glad your poetry has given you peace of mind. There is no better thing to make yourself understand your own feelings, than poetry, i feel. To sit and sticky tape it all back together, must make it all that much more meaningful to you. Its great i think, that you are both willing to wait for each other, i think that proves maturity and strong love. Good luck to you both when you graduate.
    The poems flow was quite good and well written.

  • 16 years ago

    by oddi tea

    Kind of hard to follow. A little confusing but REALLY cute! I liked the title, it had my head spinning on what the poem could be. Nice story, good rhyming, I give you a 4/5.