Comments : Have you ever...

  • 16 years ago

    by Ed or Ian Henderson

    This is absolutely delightful! And you know what? This is just the sort of thing I read, and I think "Set along with some stunning photographry or artwork, this would make a perfect pre-school book for parents to read to their children too." Rich, simple, stunning. Thank you!

  • 15 years ago

    by Robert Gardiner

    A Lovely and Serene write, Enjoyed!!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Clown

    From a pagan point of view, this was a truely divine write, very serene and it leaves me in awe. truly i have watched a sun set many times and have danced in the light of the full moon. I have walked in the rain, tho i dont like cold and wet, I have never seen snow in my life, cept on TV. but this poem makes for a good Pagan-get-in-touch with the Divin poem. Beautiful in every sence of the word

  • 15 years ago

    by silvertung69

    As I read it, I had to sit and wounder if it was possable to do this thing you wrote of.
    But it is a beautiful write.

  • 15 years ago

    by Daisy if you do

    Bravo my dear. You have spoken the truth again. Such beauty is found in nature if only people stop and take a moment to realize it. Gorgeous write.

  • 15 years ago

    by WaitAutumn

    I thought it was romantic.. really beautiful.
    The begining just capture me, the "snowflake" part, and i'm glad i kept on reading. Because at first with the title, i was expecting something dull..
    It just felt so real.. like a picture, with so many descriptions.

    *Have you ever felt raindrops
    On your face...
    Refresh, revive!
    Bringing you awake.
    To realise the wonder,
    To be found...
    Of walking in the rain,
    When its pouring down.*

    i could really relate to that part, my favourite. Since rain is my favourite moment..
    i could re read your poem a dozen of times.. just beautiful.. It is also the first poem i read from you, and also not the last.

  • 15 years ago

    by moonlil

    Wow, a wonderful poem. It's great to read. You chose nice words. I like it very much.

  • 15 years ago

    by PinkyPrincess

    Wow. This is such a beautiful poem! I love how you show the nicest things about nature that people don't normally appreciate. Great job!

  • 15 years ago

    by KemistryKia

    [[loved]] iitt...[[5]]/5

  • 15 years ago

    by groovydude

    WOW! what a beautiful message of life. I really enjoyed the write and the appreciation for nature

  • 15 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "Have you ever seen a snowflake
    Crisp and white...
    Come falling down
    So fast, so light!
    To suddenly stop,
    And touch the ground
    Ever so softly..
    Without a sound."

    This was a beautiful opening, full of beauty and God's miracles. Great flow here but I would make a few changes for better read:

    "Have you ever seen a snowflake
    Crisp and white...
    Come falling down,
    So fast, so light!
    Suddenly stopping,
    Touching the ground,
    Ever so softly,
    Without a sound."

    I think it reads and looks much better, you don't really have a pattern in the next few stanza's, which threw me off. I would also suggest placing a question mark at the fourth line of every new stanza, or adding a question mark somewhere in each stanza, since you begin each stanza with a question pharse. Just my opinion though.

    "Have you ever felt raindrops
    On your face...
    Refresh, revive!
    Bringing you awake."

    This was really cute, it made me smile.

    "To realise the wonder,
    To be found...
    Of walking in the rain,
    When its pouring down."

    "realise" should be "realize".

    "its" should be "it's".

    "Have you ever heard the wind
    Whistling in the night..
    When you re in bed,
    Huddled up tight!"

    The exclaimation point here did not fit at all, just change to a question mark.

    "Nice and warm..
    While the cold wind blows
    Or sitting by a fire,
    Warming your toes."

    This was a bit cliche, it was just there, I think you go into more detail and more imagery. But this was cute to read, it did flow well.

    "Have you ever watched the sunset
    On a summers night...
    Dazzling the sky
    With all her might!"

    Again, make that exclaimation point a question mark, it fits much better.

    I loved this part, I never thought of the sun "dazzling the sky", very creative. I would have thought of the moon doing that, not the sun.

    "summers" should be "summer's". I am pretty sure but not positive about that.

    "In shades of pink, and orange, and gold
    What a wonderful sight,
    For eyes to behold."

    First line: I would change to this:

    "In shades of pink, orange, and gold"

    Just deleting that one "and" makes a big difference.

    And yes, it is a wonderful sight to behold, great job.

    "If you have experienced
    Any of these things...
    And the wonder that,
    Each one of them brings.
    Then youve taken the time
    To stop and look around...
    At the wonders of creation,
    Waiting to be found."

    "youve" should be "you've".

    I loved this ending, it was simple and sweet. The flow was flawless and when I read this out loud it sounded so good and held much meaning.

    4/5 from me, there is some work that can be done, especially grammar, but the concept was great and this was very good.

    Take care and thanks for the comment!


  • 15 years ago

    by Christopher Wry

    Heavenly images dare I say. Nice word flow too.

  • 15 years ago

    by Starlight

    Olwin, this Is absolutely stunning. You did spectacular, I am just wordless. Very well done.

    "Have you ever felt raindrops
    On your face...
    Refresh, revive!
    Bringing you awake.
    To realise the wonder,
    To be found...
    Of walking in the rain,
    When its pouring down."

    Simply beautiful. Strong image here, It caught my breath. You couldn't have done It better.

    "Have you ever watched the sunset
    On a summers night...
    Dazzling the sky
    With all her might!
    In shades of pink, and orange, and gold
    What a wonderful sight,
    For eyes to behold."

    Gorgeous' this reminded me of someone, you know.. lol well done


  • 15 years ago

    by Kuro

    I see what you did there >_>

    you summerized the 4 seasons in each stanza. nature and its cycle! it is a very beautiful thing to experience indeed. nice job
    ~ Ben

  • 14 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    That is so beautiful. :-)
    Very vivid and the imagination is free.

  • 13 years ago

    by Blackstar

    Like to read your poems.
    nice how you discribed it in this poem.


  • 1 year ago

    by Paul H

    Beautifully expressed! You urge all to enjoy these wonders and more. All it takes is for us to slow down and look!