Comments : Amorous Musing

  • 16 years ago

    by Corinne

    Perfect title for a wonderful portrait of an erotic relationship.

  • 16 years ago

    by TheWorldFellNUWerentThere

    Well,to be honest, I really didn't understand much of it except it has to do with emotions? Am I right? I like how people have such a big vocabulary, [haha]. I'm not much for big words, as I'm a blonde [go figure]. But somehow I liked how you pulled together this poem. Its very interesting and keeps you wondering about the meaning.


  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    "Maybe it was that touch
    The one that burned through skin
    Setting every sense on fire
    Demanding submission"
    - The stanza made me grin, love the idea of it and meaning behind it.

    The entire poem is well written. I enjoyed the read. Very relatable for those in love OR in lust. Either way it's emotional value is something that human beings desire multiple, multiple times through-out life. Only a few are so strong though, this seems as if it's one of the very strong emotional connections needed with the body.

  • 16 years ago

    by Cindy

    What a wonderful poem. Excellent Imagery and word choices.
    Take Care

  • 16 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    So elegant and sensual at the same time. Your choice of words throughout the poem is great. I admire the beauty that every stanza holds, it memorable, deeply heartfelt and captivating in so many ways.

    Overall, to me this is truly a superb, flawless write. I can't express how much I enjoyed in every greatly penned line.