Comments : Look In The Mirror

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    Well secoond stanza it should be she not se

    well, well, well , kick ass poem indeed mm

    free verse dificult for me to judge ,

    it was striaght forward , the miror metaphre was good , but the poem needed more stanza structure , rhyming , the flow was very good , i think it expressed very good your emotions , but i belve too with a bit more work can be more great ^__^

    mmm, other then this i think i enjoyed it , and i would say read it again is something i would do ^__^
    great one mango

  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    Se felt so alone here.


    Awww, poor Kristaaa! I'm proud you finally let some of this out. :] Snuggles*

    As for the poem itself it seems pretty cliche. I see the same things in other poems so try to spice it up a bit next time with some nifty words, metaphors, something a bit different so it's not like everybody else's.

  • 16 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    "Questions of feelings,
    shooed away as if nothign was wrong,
    but she looks away with teary eyes."
    ^^for some reason that was my favorite line : ) i loved the words you picked they were perfect! : )

    my best friend has depression and i feel so bad for her i mean its not something you are in control of but i tell her this: life is unpredictable but thats what makes it fun you never know whats around the corner sometimes it hurts you and makes you cry but other times it is so much more than you could have EVER wished for or expected so dance to your own rhythm : ) you dont know where it will take you but you will have fun getting there

    i hope you feel better or win this battle : ) beautiful words 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by mandy

    The poem was very good, but the "That girl is me" or "was me", seems to be a little over used. You don't always have to have a conclusion at the end. The reader will probably know what you're talking about. I really love the beginning though. The emotions were amazing! I'm looking forward to reading more, 4/5!

    -mandy :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    The first step in changing is admitting you have a problem, to call things by their name.
    When you feel lonely, you are out of touch with yourself. Once you accept yourself as you are, you will attract people that suit you and your needs, it is a rule of life:) *hugs*

    Good poem, btw;)

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Jessie

    You depicted so many young girls thought so well here... 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    Looking into a mirror only shows you what you are looking for only backwards of what you want. you look for happiness, but it only shows grief.
    I'm just writting, great poem. deff 5/5.