A splash of fatality

by Shannon Pyscotic   Jan 9, 2009

I am very rusty at this. I'm sorry if it's no good.

As she stood atop Sydney Harbor,
The wind flowed through her hair.
She'd lost her personal arbor
And for her life, she did not care.

A tear fell from her eyes
And she wiped them dry
Despite her best tries
She continued to cry.

She took a timid step,
Looked down and gasped.
With a nod and a mumbled "yep"
She fell and for the rail she grasped.

Looking below her, she screamed.
Finger by finger her death came close.
She let go and it seemed,
This is what she chose.

Her fragile body hit water
With a strong and fatal splash.
A mother lost a daughter
In what seemed to be a flash.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Lady Nik

    Great work. loved it. Shanik

  • 16 years ago

    by Saving Grace

    Wow. This is really sad. Its written simply, and short, but the emotions and intensity has been packed into this short poem. It was descriptive, and really allows the reader to understand whats going on ya no? If that even makes sense? Anyway, it flowed really well and the rhyme scheme was well written. I think this poem is well beyond creative. Well done. 5/5