Comments : Prophecy

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    To be honest I am not sure I understand the true depth of this one but nor have I understood the depth of great masters of this art . thus I feel that you should take my comment as a complement

  • 15 years ago

    by Cyber Saiyan

    The child born of monster's hands
    who flew on angle's wings
    across the empty lands
    to steal eternal rings,

    ** I like the first stanza, but I would look at the first line again. "Borne of monster's hands" sounds awkward to me. Normally I would not associate birth to someones hands. Maybe try saying "The child caressed in the monster's hands". I like this line better. It makes more sense and I like the contrast between CARESSED and MONSTER. Normally monsters are seen as mean and are not know for caressing things. The second line is good, but the third line is a little short. Maybe add an extra word or two between ACROSS and EMPTY. Maybe "ACROSS BLACKENED SKIES OVER EMPTY LANDS". It adds more to the imagery while still capturing the mood of what you are trying to protray.

    shall find the door without a key
    when hope at last expires
    to save the one who can not see
    and destroy the Gauren Empire.

    ** I love the DOOR WITHOUT A KEY line, i love rhetorical lines like that. It carried well into the second line very well, almost like a cause and effect situation. The next line is "good" but kind of out of place. The second line ends on a downer, all hope is lost, but then this line seemed to carry on the hope that "the one who can not see" could still be saved. I thought this kind of awkward again. Moving on, the closing line is good; it closes out the story well and wraps up the poem.

    ** OVerall, this is a very short but still great poem. I like that you left a lot of detail for the reader to imagine. These few lines tell a powerful story, but I am still a little confused about the RINGS. They didnt seem to fit into the story very well. Maybe if you could breifly describe how they would help out or maybe give a quick background, it would help out.

    Still, a good poem.