
by khobo   Jan 10, 2009

Imagine it is a world
A world where only you and I exist
Where would we stand?
How would things fit?

Imagine you are walking
Walking with me along a snowy pathway
Where would it lead us?
Where would we stray?

Imagine running
Running into each other after all these years
How would we handle it?
Would it bring back old tears?

Imagine having a day
A day that belongs solely to us
How amazing it would be
If the day wasn't to be lost in a gust.

Imagine you and I
You and I side by side, together
Memories, joy and laughter
Promises of love and happiness forever.



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  • 15 years ago

    by The Queen

    I loved the repetition in each stanza although i think the flow somewhere in 'How amazing it would be
    If the day wasn't to be lost in a gust" was a little off, probably the second line was too long.

    However, i liked the total outcome of this poem, made me ponder somehow..Good job.

  • 16 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    "Imagine it is a world
    A world where only you and I exist
    Where would we stand?
    How would things fit?"

    ^^ I love the opening here, you manage to create a sense of mystey and all sorts of possibilites, and instantly leavs me hooked.

    "Imagine you are walking
    Walking with me along a snowy pathway
    Where would it lead us?
    Where would we stray?"

    ^^ I love the imagery you portray in this stanza, absolutely beautiful, and leaves pretty pictures in my mind =)

    "Imagine having a day
    A day that belongs solely us
    How amazing it would be
    If the day wasn't to be lost in a gust"

    ^^I'm not to sure on this stanza...the flow seems to be incredibly of for me, whereas so far it's been flawless...maybe try rewording this verse for a better flow?

    "Imagine you and I
    You and I side by side, together
    Memories, joy and laughter
    Promises of love and happiness forever"

    ^^Beautiful closing lines, I really enjoyed this ending, it's so happy that it made me all smiley.

    I enjoyed this.

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    "A day that belongs solely us"
    `I believe that you need to insert to between solely and us.

    "If the day wasn't to be lost in a gust."
    `I think the the rhyme was forced here, trying to rhyme with us is difficult, and finding the right word, I feel as though this was definatly a line that was forced. Just my opinion, but the awkward wording just kind of threw me off, gust was unusual and awkward, I feel as though it was just thrown in there to make the poem still rhyme.

    A decent write, I thought your flow was beautiful and not once was it really disturbed but once. Great title, such a short title can say so much about a poem. Loved the repetition of "Imagine.." that was very effective with this piece of poetry.

    Well done.

  • 16 years ago

    by No Need For A Name

    The rythme of your poem askews quite frequently. It asks questions which seem quite pointless, and it seems fake and emotionless. Sorry

    Peace and prosperity,


  • 16 years ago

    by AngelicDecadence

    Well, this was good.. except for the fact that, the first stanza, it doesn't rhyme! you have every single stanza except for that one, rhyming, and it completely messed up the flow. If you can, please find some way to make that rhyme.

    There were no grammar mistakes, and other then that one rhyming error, there were no flow problems. One thing though, I think instead of "Memories, joy and laughter" you should put "Memories of joy and laughter" it seems better in my opinion.

    Other then that, amazing job, and i still think you deserve a 5/5. Keep writing.