In love, its love

by Kitty   Jan 10, 2009

Its a feeling like no other
because its so hard to describe
its kinda like being tickeld
coz sometimes its impossoble to hide

it could be said to be a daydream
coz it takes you into a world that is surreal
yet its sort of like a nightmare
coz when you awake youll wonder if its real

like somethign shiny
it can make you easily distracted
or like a new outfit
that makes you feel that bit more attractive

yet it could be mistaken for sadness
as it may overwhelm you to the point of tears
maybe its like bravery
giving you strenght to overcome your fears

it could be similar to pride
you can try to hide it, bt itl reveal itself
and its kind of like a secret
tht no one understands but yourself

like news of pregnancy
you just want to boast
and like a new born baby
its something you want to hold close

but when it comes down to it
its nothing like any of the above
the feeling i try to unsuccesfuly descirbe:
its love


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  • 16 years ago

    by AnCi

    I really like youe poem :) I like the way you rhyme all the way through it and that you keep comparing things all the time! Good job! 5/5