Tangled in Your Lies

by Cara   Jan 10, 2009

Collab with A Porcelain Heart for club contest.

The moment my eyes met yours all sanity walked out the door...
You made me crazy like no other guy had done before.
My pricked ears craved your words; my body needed your touch;
My heart grew attached to you, oh God, way too much.

Desperate in my addiction, I needed my daily dose.
I'd do anything to ensure you and I were close.
You must have been magic, because you made time fly.
Being with you made the day's hours rush by...

Then suddenly you were gone, I hadn't heard from you in days.
Didn't I mean anything to you? Or was I simply a phase?
Now longing and desire fill my broken heart and head.
Where are you, sweet cocaine? My addiction must be fed.

How could I be so naive? In the end you're all the same.
Fake, pretend "I love you's" are the lies I have to blame.
I couldn't see your true intentions, false kisses made me blind,
That's what drugs do to you, they control your heart, your mind.

I need to wean myself off of you before it is too late...
You aren't coming back so I have to just give up the wait.
I got tangled in your lies and thought that you were the one.
Now, I have to convince my heart that you and I are done.

Too bad there isn't a quit-line to help with my addiction to you


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  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    Wow, drugs, lol. good one, long, but good. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    I like the way the way you repeatedly reffered to love as a drug, which anyone who's actually been in love knows that's rather true, although, the same can be said for people in lust. I thought the piece had great content, and the words you used to express it was also first-rate.

    However, I didn't like the last line. It would've been fine if it was in a stanzas, but as a line on it's own, I think just didn't work, sorry.


  • 16 years ago

    by Teria

    "You aren't coming back so I have to just give up the wait."
    [You're not coming back so I hve to just give up the wait]

    "Too bad there isn't a quit-line to help with my addiction to you"
    [Too bad there isn't a quit-line to help with my addiction for you]

    - I'm going to be completey honest about the two lines above that I changed - I only changed them because I thought they would sound better worded differently. I proved myself right, if I proved the same to you or anyone else, well then that's for you guys to figure out. I just like the way they sound changed instead of the other way.

    Your poem though, it's very original. You have good taste in vocabulary and you word yourself quite well, if I may say so. I liked all phrases, such as; 'daily dose', 'sweet cocaine', 'that's what drugs do to you, they control your heart, your mind' (loved that one <<), 'quit-line'. They're ALL very creative as well as the other things you used through-out the poem.

    Well done. :) :) :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Inside the Liar

    I could hear both voices so clearly in this poem. I loved the idea you used of comparing your love to a drug addiction, with no quit line to help you out. This stanza was my favorite:
    "How could I be so naive? In the end you're all the same.
    Fake, pretend "I love you's" are the lies I have to blame.
    I couldn't see your true intentions, false kisses made me blind,
    That's what drugs do to you, they control your heart, your mind."
    I thought this was beautifully written. Definite 5/5 from me, for both of you.

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    Dear ladies,

    A beautiful collab, it flowed and rhymed beautifully.
    About the message: some people have that power, to make us addicted to their love. Once you are hooked you cross every line you ever draw in the sand for yourself, just to stay close to him. I have been there many times and I have just one advice to you both: stay your own person and be sure the realtionship remains an equal one..otherwise you will be burned very badly in the end and stand to lose your dignity and self respect.


    5/5 Ingrid