Comments : The Wolf That Howls (edited version)

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    "He howls at the moon,
    He howls not out or rage or ire,
    But out of pain and an inner fire,
    Out of the pain of loss,
    Out of the pain of corruption,"

    First line: I think you could add some more descriptions like about the moon, instead of just saying he howls at the moon.

    Second line: "He howls not out or rage or ire" should be "He howls not out of rage or ire".

    Next lines: I like how you said why he howls, and how you repeated "out of the pain". Nice job.

    "Of the pain of a world so damnably tainted.
    The Wolf remembers a time when it ran free with men that were painted,
    And the world was its own,
    But now those times it had known
    Have selfishly flown."

    The flow was a bit off but this is really enjoyable to read. Great word-choice, of how the wolf remembers the time when it was free, free to run.

    "Now all it knows are bars of iron and a door of steel,
    Where not but scraps are thrown through for its next meal."

    First line: That's so sad, he shouldn't be locked up.

    Second line: "not" should be "nothing".

    "It has no wish to eat as a hound with no back,
    But it must if it is to howl once more with its pack."

    Great rhyming, this is really good so far.

    "A Wolf howls for Blood,
    A Wolf howls for Vengeance,
    A Wolf howls so that man may know the fear,
    The fear that this wolf knew�
    When he was greedily chained and tagged on his ear"

    First three lines: The repetition of howls kind of ruins it for me, maybe just use it once here? It just didn't read that great for me but that's my opinion.

    Fourth line: Just delete that thingy after "knew", just some weird thing that appears.

    Overall, 4/5 from me. I liked this nature poem a lot but there were a few things I think you could work on. Take care, and keep writing...

  • 16 years ago

    by Gem

    "The Wolf remembers a time when it ran free with men that were painted,
    And the world was its own"

    This poem was one i found very enjoyable to read, anything with wolves and i'm there.

    It is quite hard to find a flow but once you get it, the poem is very nicely written.

    To be honest, i liked the repetition. I found it captivating. It really picks out how the wolf is howling for what it's lost. "The wolf howls" Even on it' own, it really has an impact. You can almost here the mournful howl of a lone wolf.

    There were a few typo's which TPAM has pointed out, but they are easily fixed and once they have been, this is a great poem.

    Very well done
    Gem x

  • I liked how you expressed your self and your poems are good i will try and do most or all your poems keep it up

  • 15 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Not to sure I liked the repetition in this poem, you used the word "howls" too many times for my liking as well as a few minor repetitions. Overall this was just an okay write for me, not one of your best.

    Peace, Joe