Fly so hard i'll fall

by SheFlowsThroughMyVeinsLikePosion   Jan 11, 2009

One of these days
I'll fly so hard i fall
dance on the clouds
Then slowly lose it all

I'll fall in love
then fall to the floor
I'll build myself up
just to lose a little bit more

I'll create somewhere safe
for the thoughts in my mind
I'll let you come along
and my thoughts you will find

I'll tell you i love you
give you every ounce of my heart
I'll put it in your hands
even though you'll tear it apart

I'll cry myself to sleep
each and every night
I'll wonder how you did it
how nothing was alright

I'll always have your name
but i never had your heart
I'll realize one day
it wasn't mine from the start

I'll wake up one morning
to the last day i will live
I'll have nothing else left
nothing else to give


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  • 16 years ago

    by Cyber Saiyan

    In the opening stanza, you accidentally confused the verb. "I will fly so hard I fall" The "I WILL" is future tense, but the I FALL is present tense. Maybe try SO HARD I WILL FALL". The next two lines seem to contradict each other too. Line two left me with an image that you fell, but now your dancing on the stars above. I like the imagery you are going for, but it was a little confusing reading it the first time.

    The next two stanzas are good.

    I loved the line "I'll always have your name but i never had your heart".

    Good closing line as well.

    Overall, another pretty good peom. I thought it lacked power words though. It seemed like I was just reading a story, nothing really grabbed my attention and made me say WOW!. I would also suggest removing some of the instances of "I'll".

    Again, I would probably add some punctuation and fix the lowercase letters, but the subject and wording was pretty good.

  • 16 years ago

    by AngelEyez89 that's so well written. so much passion and emotions.

    well done :D

  • 16 years ago

    by rachyBBY

    Sad, and touching. keep writing, i enjoyed it.