Mirror, mirror

by AnCi   Jan 11, 2009

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Show them what I feel inside
Show them the pain and the tears
Show them the feelings that I hide

Mirror, mirror on the wall
Show them who I reall am
Not the Ana I want everyone to see
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Reveal my true identity!


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  • 15 years ago


    An over used, cliche topic. Sadly.

    On the other hand your views were expressed well. The mirror reflects who you try to be, and you want it to reflect your true identity.

    Just a few opinions. I think being as you've chosen a quite over used topic you should do something different to make it your own, Other than adding your name. Take the idea and run with it, I think you could really create something unique with this title. (:

    Your repetition of Mirror Mirror is used well because it emphasises the title and meaning behind the poem. But the repetition of Show them tends to throw the reader off, try mix it up a bit.



  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    There is 2 things i want to say here :
    1 - when you look to a miror it only show you and only you back , miror reflect what you look outside ! not on the inside no matter how much you try . what you wear , and what you hold as body or clothe will be you!!
    2- this poem came before a poem claled who am i? which is important in timing . do you know who you are?? when you look into that miror?. dose it matter after that what or how pepole look at you?

  • 16 years ago

    by CY GINDLE

    YOU think of some crazy stuff you are def. on my fav. author list

  • 16 years ago

    by keithnwv

    I think sometimes people would be so surpised if they knew what was really going on inside our hearts and minds. We long to talk to someone and release everything but even with so many around us, that one person is not there.

    Another great poem!