Comments : Would You?

  • 15 years ago

    by Spirit

    You are the meanest person i know

    I hate poem that make my cry and now i can't stop.

    your poem was really beautiful and even though the beat kept threwing me off I was able to capture the meaning you were trying to express.

    thanks for the read


  • 15 years ago

    by Hurtingsoul

    I have to say the flow was a tad off and i think you were writing some things just to rhyme, remeber you dont always have to rhyme. i have a few flow promblems myself. however it was beautiful when it come to meaning and i know where your coming from.


  • 15 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    This poem is excellent, your chioce of how you structured your wording, I believe added more depth to the poem. The flow was very good however the overall body of the poem seemed a little off how about something like this -

    Would you hear my screams, as from my mouth they leap
    would you know that my last dying sounds, are yours to keep

    would you care, that to save you I sacrificed me
    Would you appreciate my forfeiture? Would you see?

    I hope so, I hope that you know, I pray that you do, pray that it's so
    I want you to believe, my love for you, I need you to see, that my oaths are true

    For you I have given in, given in, and given up
    This life I was livin' in, I have given in, and given up

    But as my blood betwixt your fingers cried
    my sands of time ran out, and so I died

    Hmm I think that's going to look ok I cant really tell untill I post the comment ^^
    But really to be honest it's an enjoyable piece anyway which I did enjoy reading.
    I think your a talented poet on this site and I look forward to seeing more of your work =]