Life and Death.

by Golda   Jan 14, 2009

Life is like your sanity.
once it's gone there is no getting it back.
Death is like forever.
Once it starts it never ends.
Your stuck in this world till the end.
And once it ends you wish it would begin again.
Because now you have the choice Heaven or Hell.
Which will you end up in?
Where will god put you?
Do you know or is it a mystery?
Did you live life the right way or the wrong way?
And now your dead.
Where will you go?
Will you go to Heaven or Hell?
Now your scared.
Because your worried.
And asking yourself.
Did I live life right or am I going to Hell?
Life is to short to live wrong.
So live it right.
Life is like a flame.
Once it's out it's out.
And death takes over.
Death is the wick that the flame is on.
Will you blow it out or will you let it go out on it's own?
Now ask yourself.
What will happen when you die?


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