Little Porcelain Doll.

by unblue skye   Jan 14, 2009

{i know it's long, but please read it all and leave comments.}

That monster.
Staring cold,
Open eyes.

The porcelain doll,
Blood thirsty call,
She'll kill you.
Don't get too close.

And taunting
She sits on the shelve.
All alone, all by herself.

She decomposes,
As she watches,
The world she knew,
Crumple like roses.

The children,
They judge her.
She's not as pretty...
Not as useful...

And they were wrong.

The little doll,
The monster,
So ugly,
So dead,

Just needed a smile,
A little hope...
Get out of the denial,
To live a little - not mope.

But not a chance,
She didn't get one.
She lived in fear,
They were near.

Everytime she started to live,
To get out of there,
And be someone,
They chased her here.

The grotesque thoughts,
And incidents,
What made her so terrible,

They showed her the truth.
They made her see,
What a horror she was underneath.
A dark lonely soul.

The pocrelain doll,
The monster,
Ugly and all.
She'll get revenge. Just wait for your call.



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  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    An ugly doll. normally it is pretty ones that freak me out. for how can something be made so perfectly and small and look so harmless. there must be some evil involved. lol. well done on the poem 5/5.
    Aaron aka

  • I hope this wasnt about you my sweetheart..this was very well written-ima mad at the people that didnt comment you! I mean come was heart breaking...everyone deserves a chance...even and courtney/rose deserve to be happy and feel like they belong-just keep taking care of her..she loves you more than anyone in the world! If you ever need someone to talk to..ily...!!! You are no doll...or a monster...a girl that will go far :)
