My time to go

by heartbrokengrl   Jan 14, 2009

You have lied to me this whole time
believe me I already know
I thought you meant what you said to me
But now it's my time to go

All the times you said you loved me
The times it seemed like you cared
Those are all just memories
Memories we both shared

People say time will heal me
Because it heals every wound
But I will always be broken
At least until I hear the sound

The sound of your voice
Telling me you never lied
That you did care
And that you love me still

But that will never happen
Because I know what you're like
I know how you act
And i know you didn't care

I tell you all of this
So that you know how i feel
Because now i have to go
I must get away from here

This hurts me more than you think
Because I did care
I did love you and I always will
Even if you never loved me


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  • 16 years ago

    by Tiiffaanyy

    Awwh...! I absoulutely loved this poem!
    5/5 =]

  • 16 years ago

    by Miss Rinoa

    Absolutely beautiful :)

  • 16 years ago

    by SweetGrief

    :( it is sad! I loved to words u used and why you used it ! keep it up !

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    This poem was overflowing with emotions and they were very vividly portrayed. There was a bit of anger and hurt in this poem that was clearly seen as the reader read. I thought you did a good job with that part of the poem, the flow was decent, the only thing I had a problem with was how you didnt capitolize your I's.. I's are extremely important to capitolize.. remember to use proper grammar. :]

    Other than that, I thought you did pretty well.


  • 16 years ago


    NiCE.!! l0VEd it.!! i CAN t0tAllY RElATE.!! WEll N0T N0W bUt A fEW M0NtHS AG0.!! ANYWAY, iT WAS VERY WEll WRiTTEN ANd i ENJ0YEd EVERY liNE.!!