Our friendship

by BloodyBrokenAngel   Jan 15, 2009

You were the one I went to
Whenever I was sad
You were the one who made me laugh
And always made me glad

You were so great
You always made me smile
You were my best friend
And it stayed that way awhile

Even after we dated
You were still so sweet
But lately
You've been acting like a creep

You wonder why I'm mad
You think I'm always depressed
I don't think it really matters to you
Because you see me as so much less

No, I'm not that pretty
And I'm only kind of smart
I love to write, and love to read
I even love art

I give you whatever you want
But still you turn away
I don't know what to do
I hate you so much these days

I've loved you since before
And tried my best to make you happy
I've been a good friend to you
Even when you've made me feel crappy

I don't understand what I've done to you
To make you act so cruel
You know just how to break my heart
And that just isn't cool

i love being your friend
And I love that sometimes you care
But thats not enough
And the way you treat me is too far from fair

So if you really care about me
You'll show it way more often
And if you don't
Then our friendship will surely rotten

*I know the ending sucked, but I didn't like the ending before it, and I needed something that rhymed, please rate and comment??? I'll return the favor*


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  • 16 years ago

    by dany

    Love it :)

  • 16 years ago

    by nova

    Great Job, Loved It, Hit Close To The Heart,Keep Up The Good Work.


  • 16 years ago

    by heartless

    I think the ending is fine and it expresses alot in it...good job