Comments : A Piece of Abstract Artistry.

  • 16 years ago

    by The Queen

    Wow, what a piece of abstract artistry.
    Highly structured lines fitting for the title and a very soothing portrayal were created.
    Although I think this line "eventually reaching it's end an abrupt stop." should be "eventually reaching its end, an abrupt stop."
    Actually, I've read some of your poems, mostly nominated for the weekly contest and I must admit you really are a good writer with an immeasurable emotions, descriptions and expressions.
    Your writing skills have a subtle touch to the readers' minds and hearts.

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    Wow, I love how you painted this piece with your words. The way you expressed it was very stunning. The choices of words that you used really brought the canvas to life.

    Colliding into one another like waves of water
    washing upon shore, leaving a distinct image.

    ^^ i like the way you portray this, i can visualize how the paints collides and overalaps one another.

    Overall i must say i'm really impress with this piece.I was indeed delightful to read.Keep up the excellent Job;)

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Wow, what more can I say? You have really blown me away with this piece, and the orginality and creativity of it really enlivens it and brings it to life. Your imagery was excellent! The pictures in my mind were as vivid as ever, and this is for sure going on my favorites. A remarkable masterpiece...5/5 from me, keep writing, always and forever....

  • 16 years ago

    by Gizmo

    The poem was so structured and put to gether so wonderfully. the vocabualry was complex but beautifully composed just like the meaning.

    I'm not the worlds biggets fan on the complx side of poetry. So i'm not going to try and analysis it i'll just stand from afar and admire it as a beautiful painting.