Hidden Secrets

by Maddy   Jan 16, 2009

Do you have a hidden secret?
Something about you that no one else knows.
A talent, maybe, your hobby.
Something you put your whole heart into.

Do you have a hidden secret?
I know I do.
Not many people know that I write.
Writing is my passion, my words are my soul.

Do you have a hidden secret?
Something that lives deep within you,
But has been suppressed.
Maybe a regret, or a time when you lacked wisdom.

Do you have a hidden secret?
I know I have many.
Lies I've told, promises broken,
And lost opportunities I wish I'd taken.

Do you have a hidden secret?
We all have them.
They are times of our lives, make up who we are.
So live with 'em, love 'em, and learn from 'em.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Domino0792

    Incredible poem. Such emotion, hidden within each word. I really enjoyed this. Keep up the amazing writing.

    Great read. 5/5.


  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Okay wow what a piece that speaks the truth. Maddy, I don't know what to say. As I was reading this I was like nodding my head and saying yes yes yes.. haha. Youre absoultely right.. I'm one of those people that holds the same secret.. nobody really knows that I write poetry.. We all have our secrets. :] I just loved everything about this piece, not only did you talk about secrets but also lies and whatnot. Your last line sumed it all up for me.

    Well done dear.


  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    Wow Maddy i like how you took the title, express it and convey your message.I think the repeated question kindda works in this one as whenever the question is being asked, u get a different answers. Indeed all of us have secrets and like you said it in away shapes our lives.Excellent Job;)