Comments : A True Poet.

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid


    You are right, a true poet just works magic with his pen:)
    I often write a poem in just a few minutes. It just pops up in my head and I write it down and lateron I can't remember what I wrote, as if it was a trance I was in..really weird sometimes!
    Well, I enjoyed your poem, fellow poetess:)


    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    "spilling imangination onto the vacant piece of"

    "Each word engraved into the paper with originality,"
    ^You dont need the phrase "into the paper" it only makes it sound wordy and doesnt do much for the poem in itself."

    "overflowing emotions vividly portrayed with ease."
    ^Flawlessly written here hun, such a beautiful display of imagery.

    "immersing a blank piece of paper with words of their own"
    ^Well said here hun. Each poet is unique and their pieces reflect a piece of their heart and soul so when you said "words of their own" that was a perfect phrase to describe this.

    I think you could have gone farther with this poem because it seems unfinished to me and that you had so much more to say. It ended awkwardly leaving me asking "thats it?" Hmm I'm not sure how I feel about this piece...I do agree with its message but it seemed to me that the title didnt really make sense with what you were saying. What is a "true poet" really? I'm not sure there is such a thing...anyone that can express themselves through words is a poet in my eyes and there is no right or wrong in it.

    I liked that this was different than what you usually write but like I said I was left wanting more which is a good thing. Haha.

    I will give it a *5/5* for stepping out of the box.