Finger Painting

by Poet on the Piano   Jan 16, 2009

Kneeling on a brown stool, slouching slightly,
Apple red curls bouncing off her blue dress.
Deep green eyes jaunty, a heart so genial,
Her tiny hands gingerly painting a masterpiece.

Two fingers orange, three fingers purple,
Creating divergent lines on cream paper.
Glancing up to catch her teacher's eye,
She receives a heartfelt smile of wonder.

More fingers swim gleefully in the rainbow sea,
Then find their way hastily back to dry land.
Adding elaborate patterns one by one,
Paint splashing and veering left and right.

A lively laugh echoes through the classroom,
Enlightening every ear that happens to hear it.
For nothing could measure the amount of fun,
She was experiencing through finger painting.

Hands sticky, and face smeared with green paint,
A satisfied sigh escapes from her shining lips.
Wishing for the clock to just sit and stop,
But alas, good times must come to an end.

"A job well done," her teacher calls out,
"What exuberant colors and creativity!"
The little girl's heart soars many feet above,
As she leaves her table, her head up high.


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  • 15 years ago

    by xXHunnyGurlXx

    This poem was very well done, it expressed nearly every detail that the little girl would have felt & had a great description to.

    I think that you have done a wonderful job. Well done & great effort.

    Keep it up!

  • 15 years ago

    by Caroline

    Wow, I really like. Word choice is amazing. Great imagery. I love it.

  • 15 years ago

    by SHYSTY23KO

    Thanks so much for your suggestions for a title for my poem! appreciated!

    I love this poem though! its so cute and fun! You do an amazing job at paiinting a picture in your readers head!

  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    Very articulate word choice for someone so young. Vivid imagery and wonderful flow. A beautifully penned piece and a joy to read.

  • 16 years ago

    by Not Enough

    AaaaWwww I love this poem. It's so cute. It's so beautiful!!! And I've never said that about a poem before! It's so cute. Great job 5/5
