I'm Sorry

by Tsukuyomi   Jan 18, 2009

I'm sorry
for the times...
I left you alone,
when you needed a friend

I'm sorry
for the times...
I pushed you aside,
when you needed my hand

I'm sorry
for the times...
I gave up,
as you tried

I'm sorry
for the times...
I laughed,
while you cried

I'm sorry
for the times...
I looked away,
as you bled

I'm sorry
and now I will...
Stand at your side,
pick you up,
give unto you,
bleed for you

But know this...
I'm sorry and,
I love you
Forever And Always

(x.x Another crappy poem I wrote ages ago)


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  • 13 years ago

    by BlueJay

    If you call this crappy then I would love to see what you call amazing! This is fantastic and it is a very kind thought if you actually did write it for someone. You are a wonderful writer! Nice job!

  • 14 years ago

    by Lost Innocence

    Htis isn't crappy..its really good... if you meant to give it to someone that is a really sweet poem:D

  • 14 years ago

    by xXAngieXx

    I like this very much!!!

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Many of us say sorry when we don't really mean but I know this is a really meanigful sorry and a wonderfully written one too. 5/5, Em

  • 15 years ago

    by Tom Swart

    A good work that read like a story to me. I liked the words and short phrases that seemed to work pretty well overall. Bravo