His Next Killing Dose

by Cara   Jan 20, 2009

Your feet skim the ground as you tear along the abandoned street
The heavy steps behind you, echo loudly on the concrete

Pure darkness surrounds you as you run into the unknown
Anything is better than being caught all alone

You have to find a place to cower as you are almost out of breath
Your thoughts are scattered, your mind frozen at the thought of death

Collapse behind what appears to be a tree
Heave in and out as quietly as can be

You sit still with your ears pricked and terrified eyes peeled
Don't move a muscle unless you want your location revealed

Leaves rustle next to you to inform that he is close
Hold your breath; you can't be his next killing dose

Feel his dirty presence in the air, you let out a tiny peep
Tears stream down your face, you can't help it, you weep

He moves like a hawk, going in for the kill
You are now his victim from whom he gets thrill


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  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    OH wow Cara I really hope this is not a real story about you. The poem is great and it is very powerful, you definately had my addrenaline pumping with this one. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by PoetryKnight

    This is an awsome poem. Not to long ago there was a robbery here in the fort of Indiana. Well, the dude came in and we tried to hide, two of us got shot in the arm to insure we would do what they wanted. Try hiding, it did not work. lol. 5/5


  • 16 years ago

    by Alicia

    Amazing job! I was drawn in from the first word to the last, and I even read it twice! 5.5 ^_^

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    Another excellent write from you. It is dark and had me holding my breath until the very end. I just recently found your poems but shall read more of them in the future. Good job on this. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Faithless

    Well well you have captivated me again with this thiller piece of yours.I can feel paranoid too as i was reading thru and waiting in anticipation wat's gonna happen next.

    Leaves rustle next to you to inform that he is close
    Hold your breath; you can't be his next killing dose

    ^^^ I like how you portray this stanza...kindda make me wanna hide and just stay quiet for awhile and i also like the idea of you making the killer's victim as his dose.

    I'm really impressed by you to pen down this stunning piece coming from a person who hates scary stuff lol

    Excellent Job