A million memories

by Ingrid   Jan 20, 2009

A million memories

Silver moonbeams illuminate a golden helmet
Loving hands embrace the most precious gift
A soft wind blows as the stars twinkle bright
A sacred ceremony takes place as two hands lift

A relic with uttermost care and deepest respect
A secret sign is given by voices only he can hear
A million memories of love and tenderness
are spread upon the sacred ground so dear

Two souls surround their angel wearing his earthly cloak
As they hold him in loving embrace, the one they adore
He fulfills the holy ceremony with utmost grace, thus
reuniting two lovers who will rest in peace forever more

Written on Tuesday 20 th of January 1 PM local time.


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  • 9 years ago


    What imagery this poem invokes Ingrid!
    A beautiful but sad Love story.
    Superb writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy


    You really are a most precious friend to have. I have read this poem once and now I will comment on it in depth.

    A million memories
    The title is much more than a stand a lone statement. I see it as a person/s life/lives condensed into memories. If this is right, then maybe a slightly different title, maybe, a million memories and more. This would lend the magnitude to the power of memories and to a person's life, well maybe?

    1st stanza
    Moonbeams silver and clear, a vivid image here. I see a clear sky and full moon and its light picking out the reflective detail of a helmet. I see this helmet as an ancient one, maybe because of its golden colour? It suggests that it may be a brass helmet that may have been worn during the war, how ancient I am unsure at this point? This gift, the helmet is raised, in recognition and in remembrance.
    As I read this I see the raising and the gentle wind blowing simultaneously, am I seeing this right? The night sky is clear, so it is good to mention the stars here. Stars are so symbolic, especially being up there in the heavens.
    A sacred ceremony: This makes this event feel like it is steeped in time. Two hands lift. I see this as two hands reaching out, stretching out to be lifted perhaps?

    2nd Stanza
    A relic. Here again a reference that to me suggests an even with a historic anchor, maybe? This kind of reminds me of the story of Arthur and the sword? I see the relic as the sword in the stone, or held aloft out of the lake? I find myself fighting with fact and fable. I realise that there are metaphors here, which connect past with present, linking mortal warriors living and sacrificing as they have done since time began. I also see the ceremony as a funeral and the memories scattered as ashes of a most beloved warrior/ mother now raising her arms up from this land to the sky, the heavens, an eternal place where she has the warmth of loved ones to keep her safe and wipe her tears for the ones she has left behind.

    3rd Stanza
    This last stanza is so beautiful and touching. Two angels returning to Earth to their son, who has conducted himself in a manner that they can only be very proud of. They always were and always will be. I see the picture clearly. One man stood, gallantly brave. He shoulders the grief, but he is not alone, he has his angles, his parents love still surrounding him. Their love and guidance will be with him always. They will see his world through his eyes and he will feel their reunited love for each other and for him in so many ways. He will see in natures beauty and in the beauty that is his heart, a gift that was born out of love, true love that will live forever.

    He will write what his heart flows freely, sending out a message of a million memories and more.


    Thank you so much for writing such a wonderful poem. I feel like I have journeyed with you and with TJ too.



  • 16 years ago

    by Cara

    How saddening :(
    It really made me sad, which means you wrote it really well, because it really got me involved. The imagery in this poem was outstanding. I can still picture it.
    The flow and rhyme were really good and the poem was awesome.. a great write, even if it did nearly make me cry.

  • 16 years ago

    by Sylvia

    A sad but beautiful love story. Good job. 5/5