Read My Mind

by Ashleigh Skye   Jan 21, 2009

*I wrote this poem for a contest where every line had to be a question or at least lead into a question I liked the way that it turned out, so I hope that you do as well.*

Do you really love me?
Do you seriously care?
Does your heart beat for me
or is it afraid to share?

Is your tongue as tied as mine,
or is it flapping free?
Do your eyes cry at night,
cause your arms aren't holding me?

Does your mind flare up with rage,
every time someone looks my way?
And every time my eyes find you,
do you forget what you're going to say?

Does the world fade when I look your way?
Or do these things only happen to me?
Are we doomed to never know?
Is this our destiny?



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  • 16 years ago

    by Spirit

    Read my Mind

    To answer your question I love this poem. Of course I did you won the contest because of it. It is the kind of poem that I was hoping to get out of that contest that I started. I wanted a poem that would really make the audience think about what they just read. you pulled this off wonderfully.
    As for the poem itself. This poem truely relates to me personally. I found that I could easily relate to it and just how universal it could be. The Rhyme is BEAUTIFUL and I couldn't ask for better.

    thanks for the read