Today I was going to write you a poem
Telling you how much you mean to me
How whenever we're lay wrapped together
I'm left floating in such beautiful ecstasy
Only when I put my pen to writing paper
Could only sit staring into empty space
Sat alone yet smiling silently to myself
Recalling how I feel when in your embrace
Pen dithering about in my hand again
Some time later, still no words to show
Funny how I'd have told you you were crazy
If you'd said I'd feel this way sometime ago
Time passed, still I had nothing written
Beginning to become somewhat annoyed
Then that secret smile returned once again
Knowing what we have will never be destroyed
It was then that I realized why I couldn't write
Because even though my love will always remain
Babe, the way you got me feeling about you
Is something words couldn't possibly explain